REALTORS - How we added over $390K in Commissions and eliminated the competition in our market.

Could you use more buyers and sellers who want to speak with you? The exact, FREE, step-by-step process to get Guaranteed Results is below!

We ALL want...

More Leads, More Clients,

and More Closing! (Cash in our pockets!)

We all want these things, but we also want them on a consistent and predictable basis.

The reality is, almost all Realtors are overwhelmed with how to effectively market themselves and most struggle to maintain a reliable flow of business.

A lot of agents are solely dependent on sphere's of influence, referrals and cold calling to generate leads.

These strategies have been proven to work, but they are outdated, unpredictable and have made Realtors a commodity.

When the buying season shifts, or the economy changes (i.e. high interest rates!!) many Realtors don't know when their next commission check will come and some face the risk of going out of business.

On top of that, there are TONS of “gurus” and software providers that are pushing a "latest and greatest" bell or whistle.

We created Stack to bring order to this chaos.

Stack shows you how to be unique, how to attract engaged prospective clients vs. chasing them and, how to leverage the power of A.I. to convert those prospects into life long clients.

Our COMPLETE SYSTEM creates reliable, consistent and, most importantly, predictable results.

Click the button below to set up a strategy call with our team.

Note: This program is not for everyone. We develop exclusive partnerships with agents who are invested in the long-term success of their real estate business and provide them with protected territories.

For Realtors, By a Realtor - We personally used this system for our own Real Estate brokerage and generated 176 engaged leads in 19 days.

See what our program has done for some other agents, like you…

“... 150 leads and 16 appointments in 30 days. Lead under contract in 7 days.”

“... 262 leads in 30 days. 22 appointments scheduled. 1 listing & buyer under contract in 30 days. 5 additional transactions in the next 90 days. 14 confirmed transactions in 1 year.”

“... Listing under contract in 45 days. $40,000 GCI in 120 days”

“... 1 listings and 2 buyer transactions within 45 days”

“... Closed 1 buyer transaction in 90 days.”

“... 9 signed buyer clients within first 8 weeks”

“... 2 Closed transactions In 30 Days”

“... 1 Closed Transaction and 1 listing acquired in 2.5 month”

“... Closed 5 transactions in 150 Days.”

“... 2 closed transactions and 5 additional leads under contract within 4 months”

“... 1 deal closed within 30 days using organic lead generation strategies”“Closed 10 additional deals within 1 year timeframe”

“... 1 closing within 90 days. 5 closed transactions with $3,700 in ad spend”

“... 1 closed transaction & 1 lead under contract within 30 days with $0 spent on advertising”

“... Lead under contract within 21 days”

“... Closed the first deal within 30 days. 20-30 appointments booked monthly with predictability.”

Learn More - Answers to Commonly Asked Questions:

Who is Stack?

Stack Labs is a boutique consultancy based in metro Detroit, Michigan. Stack was created to help solve a common problem that every Real Estate agent faces - growing and maintaining a profitable business.

We have dedicated our entire careers to Real Estate (brokerage, property management and investment ownership), Lending (mortgage and business), and Technology (consulting and SaaS). We have packaged up our expertise and created an offering that has been battled tested and proven to work with 1000's of agents, including ourselves. Our turn-key program is now being made available to like-minded agents who are dedicated to the long term success of their business.

How does the program work? What all is included?

The Stack program is an exclusive offering for Real Estate agents. Specifically, some of the program highlights include:

Unique Offer Creation - White label and done for you offers that magnetically attract prospects.

Marketing - End-to-end marketing system, proven to work for 1000's of Realtors.

Advertising - Paid and Organic ad copy, guaranteed to flood you with engaged leads.

Sales Automation - Funnel creation, lead nurturing and client attraction driven by automation - done for you.

Appointment Setting - Lead follow up and appointment setting on your behalf. **Not available for all clients**

Consulting - Coaching, scripts, accountability and dedicated support from industry veterans to ensure you have everything you need to be successful.

Platform - The integrated Stack technology platform orchestrates the entire process - from your computer and your mobile device - done for you.

Community - Unlimited support from other top performing, like minded Realtors.

How much does it cost?

Our program is is a subscription-based service, with an initial 1 year term required. The total costs can vary based on the level of service and features that fit with your business.

What guarantee do you offer your clients?

We guarantee that our clients close at least 2 deals from our program or we work with them for free until they do. In reality, our program will do a lot more, however to show we are truly invested in our clients success, we put our money where our mouth is.

In order for us to make this guarantee, we limit who we work with and require our clients to follow our processes rigorously.

Do you sell leads?

No. We do not sell leads.

We do not call ourselves a “lead generation” firm, “software/ IDX provider” or “marketing agency”. We believe that leads alone just do not work and never will.

What support do you offer your clients?

We offer our clients multiple levels of support to ensure success with the program.

Each client is assigned a dedicated Client Success Manager and participates in an extensive onboarding call.

Once the program is activated, each client has weekly coaching and support calls and is able email support requests to [email protected] at any time.

What if it doesn't work?

We have been in the industry for over 20 years and we have found what works and what doesn't work through trial and error. Our entire lives are spent obsessing over finding ways for Real Estate agents to build and maintain a profitable business.

Rather than simply "taking our word for it", we also offer a guarantee to make this a risk-free partnership for agents who are prepared to grow their business with us.

How much time and effort is needed from me execute this?

In order to set up the program and configure it for your business, it will require a few hours over a period of a week of two in order to get everything setup. Once setup is complete and the program is activated, there is very little maintenance required from your end.

© Copyright 2023. Stack Labs, LLC & All rights reserved.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are what you can potentially make based on mine and my clients sales figures. Please understand these results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

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